Raymond Dolan


ANA Avatar Xprize Telerobot Interface

I worked with Tangible Research to compete in the ANA Avatar XPrize teleoperation competition. Our robot, ADA, used a Varjo VR-3 headset, HaptX Gloves DK2, Universal Robots' arms, Shadow Robot's Shadow Dexterous Hands, and Syntouch sensors to provide a teleoperation experience where users could feel the objects they were interacting with. Challenges included flipping a switch, moving around obstacles, feeling which of two containers was heavier, using a drill to unscrew a bolt, and feeling two objects and deciding which was rougher: all through ADA.

I created a user interface consisting of buttons, force readouts, and guide lines to facilitate easy operation. The UI was created in OdenVR's Voysys video streaming software with all code to handle their functionality and interactability written by me using C++, HaptX's API, and ROS. Key features included allowing operators to switch between driving and teleoperating, reset their arms, and lock their hands in place for easier manipulation of tools. Even though we did not win due to a mechanical failure, we had an extremely successful showcasing of our robot, with far more traffic than any other booth as we allowed people to walk in and accomplish the challenges for themselves.

  • Team Size: 5 people
  • My Role: UI Programmer
  • Timeline: August 2022 - November 2022
  • Tools: C++, ROS

Additional Media

Morning news spot

Final run

Factory Reset

Factory Reset is a 3D single player first-person puzzle and traversal game about a magnetic robot named FyED-OR navigating their way through a Soviet-inspired cyberpunk world. The player uses their magnetic feet and hands to traverse a sequence of three different level environments and solve tricky puzzles along the way.

I created systems that allowed the player to interact with various gameplay elements, over 10 different accessibility features, and a majority of the audio in the game. Factory Reset won the Provost Award at WPI for the best capstone project in the discipline of IMGD.

  • Team Size: 4 people
  • My Role: Gameplay Programmer | Lead Audio Engineer
  • Timeline: August 2020 - May 2021
  • Tools: Unity Engine, C#, Reaper, Git
  • Source Code
  • Final Report

Star Trek Mashup

Star Trek Mashup is a cloud-based app that allows users to upload and stitch together different video clips from Star Trek into funny playlists. We used AWS and wrote our own API to interact with the different parts of the webapp. It was created as part of CS 3733: Software Engineering. The frontend code which I worked on can be seen here.

  • Team Size: 4 people
  • My Role: Frontend Developer
  • Timeline: October 2019 - December 2019
  • Tools: AWS, S3, ReactJS, HTML, Git
  • Frontend Source Code

Dungeons and Dragons Initiative Tracker

Screenshot of my D&D initiative tracker

This project is a webapp that allows users to create monsters and players and keep track of turn order. It demonstrates my ability to create a webpage that hooks into a database with a number of different fields. It was created as part of the class CS 4241: Webware.

  • Team Size: Solo
  • My Role: Frontend / Backend Developer
  • Timeline: October 2020
  • Tools: HTML, JavaScript, Node.js, Glitch
  • Source Code